Loan Stars is the readers’ advisory tool that allows library staff across Canada to collaboratively select their favourite forthcoming titles. Using CataList, the online catalogue service and order management tool available for free to libraries, library staff can endorse the Fiction, Non-Fiction, Juvenile, and Young Adult titles they want to recommend to their patrons. The titles with the most recommendations become Loan Stars picks!
But who are the authors and illustrators behind these great Loan Stars reads?
We find out in our series Meet the Loan Stars.
Meet Elizabeth MacLeod 🍁
Photo by Paul R. Wilson
Elizabeth MacLeod is the author of many Non-Fiction titles, including the Canada Close Up series: Canadian Government, Canada’s Trees, and Canadian Money in addition to the award-winning Scholastic Canada Biography series and Canada Year-By-Year. She lives in Toronto, Ontario and enjoys reading, swimming, theatre, botany, and tap dancing.
Elizabeth’s new book is called Meet David Suzuki and is illustrated by fellow Canadian Mike Deas. You can find Meet David Suzuki included on the November & December Loan Stars Jr list!
Read on for our interview with Elizabeth and discover her favourite librarian, her book recommendations, and more.
If you could visit any library in the world, where would you go?
Anywhere there are humans, there MUST be a library, so I'd like to visit the library at the science station in Antarctica. I wonder what books the penguins take out the most?
Do you have a favourite librarian, real or fictional?
I love musicals, so one of my favourite librarians is Marion the Librarian from The Music Man. Of course, I also like “Conan the Librarian” from the movie UHF! AND all the librarians at the Toronto Reference Library who are so good at researching and helping me find the facts I need for my books.
Which book would you choose to recommend to library patrons?
Anne of Green Gables is the gateway to so many wonderful books by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I still often re-read it.
What does being a Loan Stars pick mean to you?
I love the idea that Meet David Suzuki will get into the hands of more kids. It's the latest book in a series of biographies and kids have told me they find the books inspiring. I'm so happy to think that I'm touching their lives that way. Thanks so much for choosing this book!
We’re so happy to have you on our list, Elizabeth. Thank you!
Are you a Loan Stars-recommended author or illustrator who wants to be featured on our blog? Get in touch!
Until next time.
Sales and library circulation data of Historical Fiction titles during the fourth quarter of 2024.