Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (CIBD) is back for its second year (fifth if you count its previous incarnation as Canadian Authors for Indies Day). CIBD is a day to support amazing independent bookstores and to maintain a thriving book industry across the country. The purpose of this celebration is to encourage people to visit their local indie bookstores and experience the unique community space that each store creates. So, on April 27, let's all come together to celebrate our favourite local bookstores!
Are you a book lover who wants to know if your local bookstore is participating? See the participating bookstores on the event page: from Duncan, British Columbia to Ottawa, Ontario and parts in between. (Atlantic Canada bookstores — you're missing an opportunity!)
Are you a bookstore who wants to get involved? (You should especially consider this if you're east of Ottawa!) Find out how to get involved by contacting the Retail Council of Canada.
No matter who you are, you can follow the latest goings-on from @RCCBooks on Twitter. And if you're at a bookstore on Saturday, April 27 for CIBD, document it for posterity and maximum FOMO for those not with you by using the hashtag #CIBD2019.
See you in the stacks!
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.