To support their detailed ONIX documentation, international standards organization EDItEUR releases Application Notes. These notes are short white papers that look in-depth at a single ONIX topic that users are asking about or that EDItEUR is aware can be problematic.
You can see and download the full list of Application Notes here, but we thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight a new release, ONIX Records for Books in Multiple Markets, for your reading pleasure.
This important new application note covers ONIX product records for a product that’s for sale in multiple markets – and in particular, where another publisher or a sales agent is appointed to take responsibility for the product in a particular market. This is a very common case, and revenue-relevant contradictions and confusion can arise when there are two ONIX records for the same product that have not been ‘aligned’.
This new application note also covers another common case, where two publishers are producing similar products and similar metadata independently of each other (i.e., when publishing rights are split on geographical lines).
This is part two of the ONIX products in multiple markets application note, part one of which was published a couple of years ago but updated recently. You can also watch part one as a visual application note.
CataList tools that are available to help you share ARCs and full digital copies of your book with potential buyers and readers.
Sales and library circulation data of Historical Fiction titles during the fourth quarter of 2024.
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Insights into the sales and library circulation of Canadian Romance and Erotica books from 2020 to 2024.
Tips on how to make sure you're providing enough data for people to understand your products.
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.