Codelist Issue 64 for ONIX 3.0 has been released.* Complete listings of the ONIX codelists can be downloaded from the EDItEUR website.
Issue 64 stand-alone codelist documentation as a readable PDF or HTML file (open and read it in your web browser)
Issue 64 TXT, CSV, XML, JSON files for loading into your data management applications
Issue 64 XSD, RNG, DTD schema modules for use with existing XML schema files (but note that it's better to download the latest 3.0.8 schemas since they incorporate a couple of small improvements as well as the new Block 8)
The ‘strict’ XSD 1.1 with Issue 64 (the strict XSD must be updated each time there is a new issue of the codelists, as it includes some codelists within the XSD itself)
The online browser for the ONIX code lists at has been updated to issue 64
Need help finding and using the documentation? Read this.
It should go without saying that everyone should review the document summarizing the changes and update their systems, but we've highlighted some changes of particular note for you below.
List 9 Product classification type
There are three new additions to this list, including code 17, CCT, for Canadian Customs Tariff information: an 8- or 10-digit number associated with importing into and exporting from Canada.
List 17 – Contributor role
Several additions to this list, many of which will be relevant to publishers producing comic books and graphic novels:
A49 Cover inker: Renders final comic book cover line art based on work of the cover designer, where different from the inker of interior line art.
A50 Cover colourist: Provides comic book cover colour art and effects, where different from the colourist of the interior art and effects.
A52 Original character design: For comic books.
Finally, the code Z05 “Posthumously completed by” was added and may be used in conjunction with any other contributor role, following appropriate contributor sequence numbering. The team at EDItEUR adds the following clarifications:
Z05 is for use when a contributor’s part-finished novel or other work is completed by another writer, often working from detailed notes and/or unfinished manuscript left by the primary author. Note the distinction between this and A42 ‘Continued by’, where a) the original author is not necessarily deceased and b) the new author has taken over updating of successive editions rather than finishing a single edition. The other proposed codes are for use primarily in comic book and manga publishing, where special editions with alternate cover art are sometimes available.
Related to Z05 is the ideal of ‘posthumously published’. This is a relationship between the contributor’s date of death in <ContributorDate> and the Publication date — or more likely, the Date of first publication — in <PublishingDate>.
List 196 – E-publication Accessibility details
Updates to this list include clarifications to code 00 Accessibility summary and 52 All non-decorative content supports reading without sight and are worth reviewing in the document summarizing the changes. There are also three additions to the list:
51 All non-decorative content supports reading via prerecorded audio
91 Latest accessibility assessment date
92 Accessibility addendum
Reminder: New lists added with ONIX 3.1 release
As we flagged in a blog post last year, ONIX 3.1 has been released. And with it, two new codelists were introduced which we are highlighting here: List 259 Collection frequency code and List 260 Epublication license date role. These are included on page five in the document summarizing the changes.
*A note to ONIX 2.1 users
ONIX 2.1 users should note that codelist updates no longer apply to ONIX 2.1 and users should continue to use Issue 36. ONIX 3.0 code lists and schema modules no longer contain codes or lists unique to ONIX 2.1. You can still obtain the correct ONIX 2.1 schema and codelists from the Archived Previous Releases page.
BookNet Canada still recommends that you use and periodically update your copy of EDItEUR's best practices guide. It’s an essential ONIX 3.0 guide, but much of the information in it applies equally to ONIX 2.1.
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.