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In our previous instalment of this new blog series, we highlighted content related to bookselling, today the spotlight is on accessibility.
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Creating a roadmap for accessibility
Learn how to develop a practical roadmap for creating accessible ebooks that’s customized to the unique considerations of your press and workflow, including staff size, number of books, complexity of books, and technological expertise. You will not only take away concrete steps for moving forward, but also a sense of where we stand as an industry in our work toward publishing “born-accessible” digital content.
Find the video and other related content here.
Towards an accessible digital publishing ecosystem
Using Fondazione LIA’s paper, E-books for all: Towards a digital publishing ecosystem, as a starting point, the presentation provides an overview of the different aspects involved for all the players in the book value chain that want to embrace accessibility. Starting from the insights learned through LIA’s journey towards the creation of an accessible digital ecosystem (projects, R&D activities, events, working groups, training), Elisa focuses on the issues that still need to be solved and the description of the role each actor of the value chain may play in an accessible ecosystem.
Find the video and other related content here.
Audiobook accessibility
This session covers accessibility issues in mainstream audiobook formats, the relevance of the DAISY standard for audiobooks, and work being done on the new audiobook standard, as well as a discussion of various automated tools to help make audiobooks more accessible. It also looks at how audiobooks are produced from a variety of perspectives: publisher, user, and alternate format producer (such as CNIB or NNELS). The panel discusses the issues with audiobook accessibility and what tools and new standards are coming that will help address the challenges.
Find the video and other related content here.
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