In this new instalment of our 5 questions with blog series, we are sharing an interview with Aline Ellingwood from Books on Main.
Books On Main is a locally-owned independent bookstore in Bath, Ontario. They offer new and used books for readers of all ages as well as local artisan products, puzzles, and more! Their goal is to provide a space for book lovers to meet, discuss, and discover with like-minded locals while browsing their selection or through one of their exciting events or clubs.
1. Which author would you most like to have for an event in your store (living or dead)?
Living... Louise Penny! She is beloved by our community of readers and a Canadian icon. Dead... Lucy Maud Montgomery! I've loved her since I could read and she was a fascinating and talented author.
2. What attracted you to bookselling?
I was working in a high-stress career and dreaded getting out of bed in the morning when a golden opportunity to open a bookstore came my way. Now I can't wait to go down to the shop and connect with other book lovers!
3. What's your favourite bookselling war story?
Probably our origin story! We signed the lease for our bookstore in March 2020... a month now notorious as the start of the pandemic. Our first few years were plagued (literally) by restrictions, closures, etc. and we weren't able to execute the vision we had for the shop. We would spend our days driving all over the county hand-delivering books to people's doors just to keep the dream alive. Three years, one pandemic, and one baby later and I am finally starting to build the experience that I've always wanted for my lovely community.
4. What is the most pressing issue facing bookselling today?
There are so many to pick from but I think I am going to say rising prices. It makes me so sad when someone comes in super excited about the latest book from their favourite author and as soon as they see the price sticker on the exorbitantly-priced hardcover, they put it back full of disappointment. It happens all the time! Many families have had a hard couple of years, especially financially, and when a new hardcover release is $38 it becomes a major barrier to book lovers connecting with new reads. I know that this issue is affected by so many factors (rising fuel and shipping costs, cost of raw materials, etc.) that it is not a simple problem to fix. Perhaps releasing more books straight to paperback? The government making books tax-free?
5. What forthcoming book are you most excited about?
It actually just came out — The Story of Us by Catherine Hernandez! We've had the pleasure of collaborating with Catherine in the past and she is such an important and unique writer.
Thanks Aline for taking the time to answer our questionnaire.
Are you a Canadian independent bookseller or small publisher interested in being featured in our 5 questions withblog series? Send us an email!
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.