Hello, hello! Thank you for joining me on this fine day for my humble introduction-slash-reading recs.
I'm Vivian, the new Project Coordinator on the CataList team!
A little bit about my journey here. I come mainly from a writing background, fuelled by my desire to write books. I ended up in York University's Professional Writing program and planned to switch to Creative Writing, but — plot twist! — I discovered a love for other aspects of book publishing and continued on to the Book Stream that Professional Writing offered.
However, the twists didn't end there. I decided that a career in technical writing might be easier, so I went to Seneca College to obtain a Technical Communication certificate. I loved the simplicity of writing instructions, more than I ever would have imagined! I picked up a slew of handy skills and thought I was set.
And yet. On this winding path we call life, I somehow found myself coming right back to the book industry. I explored the world of Kobo, where I learned about ebooks while petting as many office dogs as I could.
I came to a fork on the path. I enjoyed working in the book industry, but I also wanted to put my technical writing skills to good use.
Quite happily, I found myself here at BookNet, where I have the chance to do both!
So, who is Vivian?
I'm the type of person who enjoys quiet days indoors and stocks up on energy to be used on sunny days.
I'm a fan of fantasy novels (anything that has to do with magic or sci-fi is perfect for me). It's impossible to choose an all-time favourite book though, so I'll just list my top three recent favourites:
Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Guild Codex by Annette Marie 🍁
Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews
… Did I just cheat and list a few series instead of a few books? Yes, yes I did.
My list of anime is, of course, equally magical: Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, My Hero Academia, and Naruto, to name a few. My favourite this season, however, is a modern-day slice-of-life called Horimiya.
When I'm not writing user documentation, I'm befriending dragons and slaying monsters using a pen as my sword. I enjoy sprinting, but of the writing variety.
You'll never find me on a rollercoaster, but I'm willing to slide down a snowy hill on a pair of sticks.
And I have twelve goldfish. Unfortunately, they don't sit still for pictures.
Hope you have a great day!
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