We're dying to know what you think about us: the good, the bad, the improvements you want, and the dreams you have for how BookNet Canada can help you with your work. We want to know it all so we can serve you better.
That's why we've again put together our annual customer satisfaction survey.
Just in case you need some further convincing — though you've probably already clicked on the above link — here are some of the prizes you could win just by filling out the survey. The first 50 people to respond will each receive TWO entries in the prize draw, so don't hesitate!
1 of 2 tickets to Tech Forum & ebookcraft 2019 (March 18-20 in Toronto)
1 of 3 copies of the forthcoming report, The Canadian Book Market 2018
1 of 3 bundles of all six #AmReading research studies
A Loan Stars library-themed swag bag valued at $50
1 of 5 $25 gift certificates to the bookstore of your choice
This survey should take about 20-25 minutes to complete. Multiple people from the same company are encouraged to respond.
We can't wait to hear from you. Thanks and happy holidays from BookNet!

CataList tools that are available to help you share ARCs and full digital copies of your book with potential buyers and readers.
Sales and library circulation data of Historical Fiction titles during the fourth quarter of 2024.
Listen to a sneak peek of BookNet Canada’s upcoming research reports in this podcast episode.
Insights into the sales and library circulation of Canadian Romance and Erotica books from 2020 to 2024.
Tips on how to make sure you're providing enough data for people to understand your products.
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.