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What Influences Canadian Book Buyers?

In 2013, 40% of book buyers discovered the title they purchased online, according to a report released today by BookNet Canada. Book Purchases by Channel examines how discovery channels impact buyers of different formats (paperback, hardcover, ebook), and whether buyers of print books and ebooks are influenced differently by particular marketing and publicity initiatives, such as in-store displays, bestseller lists, or radio ads.

Who Is the Average Canadian Book Buyer?

In 2013, buyers of Self-Help books were mostly likely to make their purchases in chain bookstores or online, according to a report released today by BookNet Canada. The Canadian Book Consumer 2013: In-Depth Reader Profiles is the first in a series of three reports based on quarterly surveys conducted by BookNet Canada in 2013. The goal of this research was to study consumer book-buying patterns in depth, broken out by book genre, as well as to investigate trends in pricing tolerance, format preference, and where and why Canadians are buying books.

Benchmark Digital Publishing Report Released

Canadian publishers’ digital publishing programs are well underway, according to a report released today by BookNet Canada. The State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2013 lays out the results of a survey conducted by BookNet Canada in fall 2013. Eighty-four respondents, representing small, mid-sized, and large publishers and distributors, reported on various aspects of their digital publishing programs, including staffing, ebook production & conversion, digital originals, enhanced ebooks & apps, ebook bundling, and ebook sales & distribution.

Alice Munro's Sales Soar

Winning the Nobel Prize in Literature resulted in a significant increase in Alice Munro’s book sales not just in Canada, but also internationally, according to a study released today by BookNet Canada. Alice Munro, at Home and Abroad: How the Nobel Prize in Literature Affects Book Sales compares sales data for Alice Munro’s titles in ten countries, before and after her Nobel Prize in Literature win.

Canadian Book Sales in Q2 2012

In the second quarter of 2012, the overall market is marginally down in volume but up in value when compared to 2011. Fiction experienced a boost this spring posting a positive percentage change. Juvenile continued to grow showing increases over last year, with value sold doing especially well. But non-fiction sales were not affected by the bump; they continued to decline in volume and value.

BookNet Partners with NetGalley

BookNet Canada is pleased to launch a new benefit program in partnership with NetGalley, the innovative and easy-to-use online service and connection point for book publishers and professional readers. The partnership includes a NetGalley member benefit discount for CataList subscribers who also subscribe to NetGalley, as well as integration between the NetGalley and CataList applications.

Canadian Book Sales in Q4 2011

In the fourth quarter of 2011, both volume and value were down again overall compared to 2010. However, total market numbers were not down as much as the previous quarter and a lift in juvenile books meant the overall decrease was not evenly spread across categories. The fiction category was down again in both volume and value, while non-fiction was also down but less than in the previous quarter.