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What Influences Canadian Book Buyers?

New research on the effectiveness of book promotion strategies by channel

Toronto, ON–June 9, 2014In 2013, 40% of book buyers discovered the title they purchased online, according to a report released today by BookNet Canada. The Canadian Book Consumer 2013: Book Purchases by Channel is the second in a series of three reports based on quarterly surveys conducted by BookNet Canada in 2013. The goal of this research was to study consumer book-buying patterns in depth, broken out by book genre, as well as to investigate trends in pricing tolerance, format preference, and where and why Canadians are buying books.

Book Purchases by Channel examines how discovery channels impact buyers of different formats (paperback, hardcover, ebook), and whether buyers of print books and ebooks are influenced differently by particular marketing and publicity initiatives, such as in-store displays, bestseller lists, or radio ads. The report also investigates if purchases of certain book genres are more likely to be impulsive or planned. For example, book purchases at grocery stores and non-book retailers were the most likely to be impulsive rather than planned. And for 6% of book purchases at grocery stores, the buyer was made aware of that title through a radio broadcast, whereas for other channels, only about 3% of sales were attributed to radio.

BookNet Canada’s Director of Customer Relations, Pamela Millar, says, “This research will assist publishers and retailers in choosing the most effective promotional strategies for different channels.”

Purchasers of the first report, In-Depth Reader Profiles, can buy Book Purchases by Channel for 25% off. The final report in the series, Digital Sales and Trends, will be released in late June. For more information on Book Purchases by Channel and to purchase a copy, please visit


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BookNet Canada is a non-profit organization that develops technology, standards and education to serve the Canadian book industry.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for this project. / Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise du Fonds du livre du Canada (FLC) pour ce projet.

Media Contact:

Joanna Karaplis
Marketing & Communications Manager
BookNet Canada
(416) 362-5057 x. 231