Loan Stars is the readers’ advisory tool that allows library staff across Canada to collaboratively select their favourite forthcoming titles. Using CataList, the online catalogue service and order management tool available for free to libraries, library staff can endorse the Fiction, Non-Fiction, Juvenile, and Young Adult titles they want to recommend to their patrons. The titles with the most recommendations become Loan Stars picks!
But who are the authors and illustrators behind these great Loan Stars reads?
We find out in our series, Meet the Loan Stars.
Meet Julie Clark
Photo Credit: Eric Reid Photography
Julie Clark is the New York Times bestselling author of The Last Flight. Her debut, The Ones We Choose, was published in 2018 and has been optioned for television by Lionsgate. She lives in Los Angeles with her two sons and a golden doodle.
Julie’s latest novel, The Lies I Tell, is on the June 2022 Loan Stars Adult list!
Meet Julie and learn all about her love for libraries, book recommendations, and more in the interview below.
If you could visit any library in the world, where would you go?
The Bodleian Library at Oxford … mostly because of my obsession with Deborah Harkness's All Souls Series.
Do you have a favourite librarian, real or fictional?
Anne Sadeghpour, the former librarian at the school where I teach, who knew every student's name and what they loved to read.
Which book would you choose to recommend to library patrons?
The Time Traveler's Wife … one of my all-time favourite books!
What does being a Loan Stars pick mean to you?
I'm so honoured to be a Loan Star pick! Libraries are one of the best institutions in the world, giving free access to books and learning to anyone and everyone. And librarians are the true heroes. They know the answer to most questions, and if they don't know, they know how to find it.
Thank you for answering our questionnaire, Julie!
Are you a Loan Stars-recommended author or illustrator who wants to be featured on our blog? Get in touch with us to get started.
Until next time!
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