Check Out the Giller's Track Record

The fall book season has officially begun now that the Giller longlist is out. Yes, there is the Booker stuff, but the Canadian season really starts now. Everyone is overthinking how to sum up the jury’s selections, but the longlist does indeed seem like “a fairly balanced affair”.

Politics aside, this is a moment for the nominees to celebrate. The Scotiabank Giller Prize works. It brings considerable attention to Canadian fiction, and it has been proven to generate sales, significant sales. Just log into SalesData and check out the Giller’s track record. A quick look at last year’s winner and nominees will give you an idea of when sales spike and how much stock you might want to have on hand. If you publish or stock the longlisted titles, you’ll want to have a look because there are no excuses for lost sales anymore. Check out when the real spike hits and use the weekly sales history to predict how much to reprint or stock.

And make sure to follow this year’s books as they make their way up the bestseller lists. As we’ve been doing with the Man Booker Prize recently, our enewsletter will begin including a segment helping curious SalesData subscribers watch the market respond to one of Canada’s biggest literary event. So make sure you’re signed up and ready to receive instructions.

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