Going to BookCamp Vancouver next week? Tim and I will be there representing BNC, so feel free to flag us down if you want to talk.
What’s a BookCamp?
[It’s] a user-generated unconference that brings readers, writers, publishers, educators, community builders and the tech community together — for free! — BookCamp Vancouver
Instead of having a speaker stand at the front of the room and talk to an audience, the typical conference format is shaken up: session leaders act as moderators, audience members become speakers, and everyone is free to get up and move to a different session if they’d like. In my experience, the casual atmosphere makes participants feel comfortable to speak up and share, creating a conversation instead of listening to a presentation.
At BookCamp Vancouver 2010, I’ll be moderating a session with Jaime Broadhurst from Raincoast Books on ecatalogues. Stop by From Paper to ECatalogues: The complicated problem of replacing something simple and talk with us about our related, yet very different, experiences with building ecatalogue solutions. My perspective comes from work on BNC CataList , an industry-wide catalogue solution that will help publishers do more with information they already have.
Can’t make it to Vancouver? Follow the BookCamp Vancouver play-by-play through the #BCVAN10 hashtag, which Tim and I will be using when we tweet via the @BookNet_Canada twitter account.