Toronto Public Library just topped a list of US and Canadian libraries in terms of digital checkouts, according to library ebook vendor OverDrive. How many did Torontonians check out? Hint: A lot.
Library Sales, Timely Metadata, and the Canadian Publisher
Checking Out Canadians
Library Pricing for Digital Products
Spotlight: BiblioCommons
The technology behind library ebook distribution can be challenging for librarians and patrons alike.
Beth Jefferson, the co-founder and CEO of library-focused tech startup BiblioCommons, discusses the opportunities and challenges of public library ebook distribution, and suggests ways that libraries can improve user experience, increase discoverability of a wider range of titles, and even—wait for it—sell books to library patrons.
The State of E-Lending in Canada
This year, at Technology Forum we spent some time getting to know our librarian partners better. We shared information and found new ways to collaborate. This is why I brought Susan Renouf and Ken Roberts in to give an information session on March 6th about the state of e-lending in Canada.
Canadian Book Buyers and Their Relationship to Libraries
Seeking a Made-in-Canada Solution to Library Ebook Lending
Metadata Standards Visualization
Back to the Future
The other night I went to a panel discussion billed as the Future of the Bookstore and I have been trying to collect my thoughts about it ever since but not sure I have yet. Predicting the future is a tough business and maybe not a fruitful one unless you’re Ray Kurzweil or an investment banker.