Toronto tops digital library users — BookNet Canada

Toronto tops digital library users

Library ebook vendor OverDrive recently published a list of public libraries that exceeded 1 million digital checkouts in 2014, and Toronto Public Library represented Canada well with over 2 million checkouts, topping the list alongside Washington’s King County Library System, one of the busiest libraries in the US.

Also on the list of ten digital-loving libraries was Calgary Public Library, which saw a 30% increase over last year. In 2013, only six libraries achieved the 1-million milestone. OverDrive tracks all digital checkouts, including ebooks, audiobooks, music, streaming video, and periodicals.

According to the State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2013 report, OverDrive is currently the most widely used library ebook vendor in Canada, with 83% of publishers using it. It also notes that, overall, Canadian publishers are moving towards making their ebooks available in libaries, with only 26% of publishers not doing so in 2013.

We’ll be circulating our 2014 survey for the next State of Digital report later this month, so stay tuned for updated numbers that will highlight how ebook borrowing may have evolved in the past year.