
CourseSmart: Textbooks to Go

I want to go back to university. Not for the (shudder) keggers or the questionable fashion choices or the unquestioned sense that I knew exactly the right way that people, all people should live (man), but instead so that I could get through four years without sowing the seed of chronic back problems later in life. Imagine how life would have been different with iPHONE TEXTBOOKS!

Online Subscriptions: Can Shortcovers Do What NY Times Can't?

Back when the web was just the web and 2.0 was just a glimmer in the mind’s eye of Timothy Berners-Lee, newspapers tried to get people to pay for content online. Various models were used but the one that sticks out in my head is the “free for a day, pay for the archives” model which some periodicals, including the Wall Street Journal, still use.

In these dark times for newspapers, the notion of trying to resurrect or just erect this model is coming back. Can this apply to eBooks as well?