
Google Does Widgets

Google has announced a new Google Book Search browsable widget (and some other tools) and in the same announcement they have announced partnerships with retailers that already are using the widget live on their sitesa diverse group of retailers like Books-A-Million, Blackwell Bookshop, The Book Depository in the UK, A1Books in India, Librería Norma in Colombia, Van Stockum in the Netherlands, and Livraria Cultura in Brazil. And Google has aspirations to add this functionality to even more booksellers in the coming weeks including,, and Powell’s Books.

Location, Location: Local Living Economies and Booksellers

Bricks and mortar booksellers have been pondering the ramifications of the Internet since e-commerce began. Low overhead costs and practically limitless inventory have allowed for deeper and deeper discounts from online retailers while their in-person counterparts either taking a substantial revenue hit or lose price-conscious customers.

But what happens when a community goes local?