canadian literature

Infographic: Why Canadians Choose Independent Bookstores

There’s something about indies! Learn about book-buying habits at indie bookstores, including how books are discovered, what formats are most popular, and why buyers choose indies.

Did you know about the Indie Bestsellers List provided by BookNet and the Retail Council of Canada? Learn more here.

The Giller Shortlist: What Can Publishers Expect?

Each year since 2005 BookNet Canada has been actively tracking and comparing the performance of the Giller nominees and winners. On the day that the shortlist announces we send a Giller Report to all nominated publishing firms who are subscribers to BNC SalesData. This report is created in order to give publishers a sense of what to expect during the award season, and to help nominees with stock and demand planning. What did we find? In a nutshell: the Giller effect is alive and well.

Canadian Bookshelf, eh?

If you haven’t already visited, Canadian Bookshelf, I would highly recommend you take a little time to do so. The site itself looks great and there is a plethora of great (Canadian) content already there with more to come. I won’t go into all the features and functions of the site here as you can just go and try it out or read about it on their blog, but I will point out why we like this project in one word: collaboration.