Everyone’s favourite blog series, 5 questions with, is back! In this new instalment, we had the pleasure of interviewing Haley Amendt, Consultant Librarian at Parkland Regional Library System.
Parkland was the first regional library in Alberta, created in 1959. More than 60 years later, Parkland Regional Library System is a municipal cooperative that supports 48 public libraries across central Alberta, serving over 200,000 residents in 64 municipalities.
Without further ado, here are Haley’s answers to our questionnaire.
1. Which myth about libraries or library staff do you most want to bust?
Library membership counts show the full picture of library usage — this does not represent the diverse services libraries provide, i.e., programs, computer access, internet access, as well as homework and career support.
Books are still the leading reason people visit the library — people haven’t stopped reading just because information is accessible digitally.
That other business managers deserve more pay than library managers even though the workload and expectations are so similar.
2. What compelled or inspired you to pursue library work?
A love for reading. A desire to have a community impact.
3. What has been your favourite library event?
I love attending in person conferences for the networking opportunities.
4. What is the most pressing issue facing libraries today?
Advocating for funding — funding structures change with cost of living increases.
Library staff being paid an equivalent wage to other industries (education level and experience level).
5. What forthcoming book are you most excited about?
Holly Black’s The Stolen Heir.
Thank you Haley for taking the time to answer our questionnaire! Read more instalments of our 5 questions with series here.
Are you a library staffer, Canadian independent bookseller, or small publisher interested in being featured in our 5 questions with blog series? Send us an email!
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.