Wondering how BookNet can help optimize your time while improving your operations? The Easier with BookNet blog series is here to show you how our products and services are designed to achieve that and more.
BookNet has built solutions that benefit library staff, booksellers, publishers, literary agents — pretty much everyone in the book industry. We take our stakeholders' needs into consideration and are always open to hearing suggestions for improvements and additional features.
Today, we’re going to be talking specifically about LibraryData and how, among many other things, this service can help you identify trends and patterns in borrowing behaviour to ultimately:
make better acquisition decisions;
spend money in a strategic way; and
keep patrons engaged.
First time hearing about LibraryData? Learn about this service here.
#1 What books are library patrons borrowing ?
What it is: The Popular Books report lets you see the top titles ranked by loans, holds, holds per copy, renewals, or on-order quantities.
Generate a report based on the circulation activity of all the libraries that are currently reporting to LibraryData, a consortium, a library system, or a branch.
Run a report for any timeframe, from a particular week to a full year.
Rank the report results by loans, holds, holds to copies ratio, renewals, or on order data.
Customize your report: choose any number of subjects, formats, publishers, imprints, or distributors to narrow down your search.
#2 Keeping an eye on subjects and languages over time
Meet the Trend Analysis Report
What it is: The Trend Analysis report displays over-time circulation data for entire languages or subjects to track changes in activity.
Generate a report based on the circulation activity of all the libraries that are currently reporting to LibraryData, a consortium, a library system, or a branch.
For the Subject report, choose a maximum of ten categories or subcategories per search.
For the Language report, choose as many languages as needed based on a searchable list.
Reporting periods range from consecutive weeks, months, or quarters.
#3 Stocking bestselling books
Meet the Bestseller Circ Report
What it is: The Bestseller Circ report allows you to see a library aggregate's circulation and inventory data ranked in Bestseller order — useful for checking up on your stock of top-selling titles.
Generate a report based on the circulation activity of all the libraries that are currently reporting to LibraryData, a consortium, a library system, or a branch.
Compare sales to your preferred sales market (i.e., All Markets, Independents, etc.).
Run a report for any timeframe, from a particular week to a full year.
Customize your report: choose specific subjects or languages to narrow down your search.
But this is not all! With LibraryData you can generate a Collection Gaps report, as well as a Book Activity report. To find out more about what LibraryData has to offer, including these two reports, check out our user documentation.
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In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.