Codelists Issue 51 for ONIX 3.0 has been released.* Complete listings of the ONIX codelists in PDF and HTML formats can be downloaded from the EDItEUR website:
Issue 51 stand-alone codelist documentation as readable PDF or HTML
Issue 51 TXT, CSV, XML, JSON files for loading into your data management applications
Issue 51 XSD, RNG, DTD schema modules for use with existing XML schema files (but note that it’s better to download the latest 3.0.7 schemas since they incorporate a handful of small improvements)
The ‘strict’ XSD 1.1 with Issue 51 (the strict XSD must be updated each time there’s a new issue of the codelists)
The online browser for the ONIX code lists at has been updated to issue 51.
Need help finding and using the documentation? Read this.
It should go without saying that everyone should review the document summarizing the changes and update their systems, but we've highlighted some changes of particular note for you below.
List 59 Price type qualifiers adds the following codes, both only valid in ONIX 3.0:
Code | Label | Note |
17 | Introductory price Initial | ‘Introductory offer’ price. Must be accompanied by an Effective until date in a composite in ONIX 3, and may also be accompanied by a ‘normal’ price valid after the introductory offer expires. Note the difference between the Introductory price and the reservation order price — the latter does not apply after publication, whereas the introductory price may do so, and only the reservation order price includes a guarantee of delivery prior to publication. |
18 | Consortial price | Price for library consortia. |
Sales rights & channels
List 71 Sales restriction type adds the following codes, again only valid in ONIX 3.0:
Code | Label | Note |
17 | Through Inventoryless POD | POD copies may be manufactured at any time, either to fulfill a customer order immediately or to replace a minimal stockholding (i.e. near-inventoryless). |
18 | Through Stock Protection POD | POD copies may be manufactured only to fulfill a customer order immediately while out of stock and awaiting delivery of further stock from the supplier. |
19 | Except through POD | Not eligible for POD. |
List 139 ONIX Retail Sales Outlet ID adds code PUB to denote publisher’s own direct sales.
Product form
Issue 51 includes a change to list 150 Product form with the addition of several codes:
Code | Label | Note |
DO | BR-ROM | Blu Ray ROM. |
XO | Spinner – filled | Spinner with contents. ISBN(s) (where applicable) and detail of contained items must be given in <ProductPart>. |
XY | Other point of sale – including retail product | Other point of sale material not specified by XB to XO, supplied with product(s) for retail sale. The retail product(s) must be described in <ProductPart>. Further detail of the POS material is expected in <ProductFormDescription>, as <ProductFormDetail> and <ProductFormFeature> are unlikely to be sufficient. |
ZO | Paints, crayons, pencils | Colouring set, including pens, chalks, etc. |
As well as the clarification of codes PH, PM, XJ, and ZY.
List 175 Product form detail sees the addition of several new codes:
Code | Label | For use with Product form code(s) | Note |
D323 | Sony PlayStation 5 | BD, DI, DO or E as applicable | |
D324 | Microsoft Xbox Series X | BD, DI, DO or E as applicable | |
P116 | Postcard calendar | PC | Calendar sheets detachable (usually perforated) and intended for mailing as postcards. |
P121 | Flash cards | PD | For use to specify letter, word, image (etc.) recognition cards for teaching reading or other classroom use. |
P122 | Reference cards | PD | Quick reference cards, revision cards, recipe cards, etc. |
P123 | Recreation cards | PD | For use to specify cards and card decks for gaming, collecting and trading, etc. Use also for divination cards. |
P124 | Postcards | PJ | And postcard packs / books. |
P125 | Greeting cards | PJ | And greeting card packs. |
Z111 | 3D puzzle | Puzzle assembles into a 3D object. | |
Z112 | Noisy kit/puzzle/toy | Toy makes a noise. See B208 for noisy books. | |
Z113 | Puppet | Including finger/hand puppets, marionettes. |
as well as the clarification of several other codes; refer to the complete list of changes here for details.
Of most interest to readers of this blog, list 196 E-publication accessibility details has a number of additions:
Code | Label | Note |
27 | Use of audio | Audio content is presented with no or low background noise (e.g. ambient sounds), at least 20dB below the level of foreground speech. |
28 | Full alternative audio descriptions | All, or substantially all, non-text content has full alternative descriptions as pre-recorded audio. Note this applies to normal images (e.g. photographs, charts, and diagrams) and also to any embedded video, etc. Video content should include full alternative descriptions (e.g. audio-described video) and transcript, subtitles, or captions (whether closed or open) suitable for hearing-impaired as well as for visually-impaired readers. (Purely decorative non-text content can be ignored, but the accessibility of resources delivered via a network connection rather than as part of the e-publication package must be included.) |
29 | Next / Previous navigation | All levels of heading and other structural elements of the content are correctly marked up and (if applicable) numbered, to enable fast next heading / previous heading, next chapter / previous chapter navigation without returning to the table of contents. |
93 | Compliance certification by | <ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the URL of a web page belonging to the organization responsible for compliance testing and certification of the product. For use in ONIX 3.0 only. |
As well as the clarification of codes 14, 15, and 94.
The complete list of changes is available here.
*A note to ONIX 2.1 users
ONIX 2.1 users should note that codelist updates no longer apply to ONIX 2.1 and users should continue to use Issue 36. ONIX 3.0 code lists and schema modules no longer contain codes or lists unique to ONIX 2.1. You can still obtain the correct ONIX 2.1 schema and codelists from the Archived Previous Releases page.
BookNet Canada still recommends that you use and periodically update your copy of EDItEUR's best practices guide. It’s an essential ONIX 3.0 guide, but much of the information in it applies equally to ONIX 2.1.
BookNet would like to pause, catch its breath, and note to ONIX 2.1 users that there’s now a full decade — 10 years — of new development available to users in ONIX 3.0. You should be considering what your systems need to support. ONIX 3.0 is easier to develop than you think, and it supports greater accuracy and detail in all aspects of data trading. Read more BNC blog posts on ONIX & bibliographic standards here.
In this podcast episode, we talk to Cassie Smyth about AI integration into audiobooks, accessible audiobooks, supporting the Canadian audiobook ecosystem, and more.