We are pleased to announce the impending release of the newest edition to our literary family: Loan Stars Jr!
Introducing Loan Stars Jr.! Library staff can now start voting for their favourite upcoming Juvenile and Young Adult titles.
Every month for three years, library staff have voted for their most anticipated fiction and non-fiction reads. And thanks to their efforts, the Loan Stars top pick lists boast over 300 adult titles!
Focusing solely on the adult trade market has been exhilarating, and we wouldn't swap a moment of it. But we're getting older. Times change, library programs change, and we realized it was time to settle down and start a series of children's lists. And so, coming March 2019, we'll be welcoming our little bundle of picture, middle grade, and young adult titles.
We will continue to release the adult list every month as we always have. However, the Loan Stars Jr. list of juvenile and young adult titles will be released every two months. So the first Junior list in March 2019 will consist of 10 books publishing in either March or April 2019. All subsequent Junior lists will include two months' worth of forthcoming books.
Like any proud parent, we will be posting copious amounts of information about Loan Stars Jr. all over our social media channels. We've even created two new ones so library staffers and publishers of all ages can watch Loan Stars grow:
Facebook: facebook.com/loanstars
Twitter: @LoanStarsCA
Tumblr: loanstars.tumblr.com
Goodreads: goodreads.com/LoanStars
New! Pinterest: pinterest.ca/loanstars
New! Instagram: @loanstarsca
For those of you who follow our newsletter, or want to, we'll be incorporating juvenile content into our recommendations. We'll also be giving Loan Stars Jr. its very own catalogues on CataList, to help library staff find eligible titles.
We hope you'll celebrate with us! And we have a couple of ideas on how...
Library staff
Whether you're new to Loan Stars voting or a well-versed champ, we hope you'll help us kick off our juvenile/YA list by entering our celebratory contest. Starting Nov. 7, 2018, every time you vote for a juvenile/YA title in CataList, you'll be automatically entered to win one of two Jr. prize packs (in name only) from Canadian children's publishers: one prize pack will go to a winner from a public library ("It's a Junior!") and one for a winner from a school library ("Loan Stars Jr. Goes to School"). The winners will be chosen in March 2019, so we suggest you start making room for their goodies now.
This contest is open to Canadian library staff only. Entries will close at 11:59 pm ET on Feb. 28, 2019. If you don't yet have a free CataList account to vote for Loan Stars, you can get one here!
New to Loan Stars? We want to help you get started!
Loan Stars aficionado who also has children & YA titles? There are a few changes you should be aware of when it comes to sharing your Loan Stars endorsements.
Not sure when to start promoting your eligible Loan Stars titles to library voters? Check out our visual schedule.
Get your juvenile titles noticed by including interior images in CataList. Not sure how this magic is done? We reveal our secrets. Of course, should you have any questions, the Loan Stars team is always standing by at loanstars@booknetcanada.ca.
Find out what titles made it to the March 2025 Loan Stars Adult Canadian list.