Tech Forum and ebookcraft 2017 have successfully wrapped up another year of great speakers, fantastic and attentive attendees, and stellar cookies. If you were there and want to relive the event, this post is for you. If you weren't there, but want to pretend you were, this post is also for you. We've got photos, links to presenters' slides, a call to fill out our satisfaction survey, and a reminder to sign up for our newsletter so you can be the first to know when videos from the event are available.
So, let's go back to the beginning. It all started last Wednesday, March 22. Eager ebookcrafters showed up for the third annual workshop day ready for some intensive workshops. They learned:
- why it's so important to build in ebook accessibility from the start with Sarah Hilderley and Kevin Callahan;
- how to beta test new and powerful features to design a better reading experience with Jiminy Panoz;
- how to get the most out of InDesign with Ron Bilodeau;
- how to use JavaScript to make ebooks interactive with Christina Truong; and
- so much more.
Day two of ebookcraft kept the momentum going. First, the swag came out:
And then we got down to the business of learning some more:
Sessions included, among many others:
- ebook usability from the library's perspective with Maria Cipriano, Jacqueline Whyte Appleby, and Sharon Bailey.
- how to build an automated ebook production toolchain with Nellie McKesson
- offline-first and phase-shifting technologies with Benjamin Young
Our speakers brought it with their awesome and well-designed presentations. Seriously, you should look at all the great decks we saw this year.
We can't forget to mention that both ebookcraft and Tech Forum once again rose to the challenge of the 50/50 Initiative, which means that at least half of our speakers were women, a standard we are very proud to achieve every year.
At the close of ebookcraft, we announced the winner of So You Think You Can Code and awarded her with the very large cheque! In the second year of our ebook coding contest, Kristin Brodeur took home first prize, which included $2,500 and a Kobo e-reader from Rakuten Kobo, a one-year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud, and a three-month subscription to FlightDeck thanks to Firebrand Technologies.
And then we went out and tested our trivia knowledge with the ebookcraft pub quiz! Want a taste? Try this stumper: "DAISY files include both MP3 and XML components that allow users to both hear text aloud and follow along visually. What does DAISY stand for?" If you knew that DAISY stands for "Digital Accessible Information SYstem" you'd have been an asset to your team.
On Friday, Tech Forum began.
Again, what would this conference be without the swag?
Swag, then learning (then cookies). The perfect formula for a conference?
During the SalesData presentation, we learned that the sales tracking service has more rows of data than the Space Shuttle, Jurassic Park, and the genome of a mouse! (So you might even say SalesData is more complex than life itself.)
We also learned:
- how to build pre-pub buzz for your books with Kristina Radke, Heidi Sander, Michelle Melski, Bryn Collier, and Lisa Marie Smith;
- how machines can best identify the reader of any book with Nathan Maharaj;
- five ideas about publishing's future from Robert Wheaton; and
- so much more!
Sadly, we can only highlight so many great presentations in this post, but don't despair: we'll be getting videos of all the sessions edited and online in the coming weeks so keep an eye on our blog and social media, or sign up for our weekly eNews to never miss an update.
And, we can't forget the cookie pictures:
We had such a great time at the conference this year. If you were there, please tell us what you thought! Your feedback will help us make the events even better next year. If you fill out the survey before March 31, you could win one of these great prizes:
- a Kobo Aura e-reader;
- a free ticket to Tech Forum or ebookcraft 2018 (to be held in Toronto);
- a copy of The Canadian Book Market 2016; or
- your choice of one of our consumer research reports.
Thanks to the presenters, organizers, sponsors, MaRS Discovery District staff, and all who attended! See you next year. We've even got the dates: March 21-23, 2018. Put them in your calendar!