It's almost the end of the year and we want to know all your thoughts and opinions on BookNet Canada, our products, and our services. You can tell us everything you feel by filling out our customer satisfaction survey.
We're not asking you to do this purely out of altruism, though — we have some fantastic incentives. Complete the survey by Jan. 25, 2018 for a chance to win one of the following prizes. The first 100 people to respond will each receive TWO entries in the prize draw, so don't hesitate!
1 of 2 tickets to Tech Forum & ebookcraft 2018 (March 21-23 in Toronto)
1 of 5 $25 gift certificates to the bookstore of your choice
1 of 3 copies of The Canadian Book Market 2017
1 of 5 copies of the Deep Dive genre study of your choice
A Loan Stars library-themed swag bag valued at $50
A Canadian book lover's swag bag valued at $50
It would help us immensely if you would take 15 to 25 minutes out of your busy day to answer our customer satisfaction survey. Multiple people from the same company are encouraged to respond so please pass it along to your colleagues. Your feedback helps us improve our products and services.
Thanks and happy holidays from BookNet!