OverDrive, one of the most popular digital distributors for libraries and schools, has dubbed this Friday International Read an eBook Day! What better way to celebrate the evolution of storytelling than by curling up in your favourite book-nook with the comforting glow of your e-reader to take in your favourite novel?
We recently polled Canadian book-buyers and found out some interesting facts about ebook readers! 31% of Canadian ebook buyers we surveyed in 2015 exclusively purchase ebooks, while 61% of all buyers (all formats) purchase both print and ebooks interchangeably; preferring some genres in ebook format and others in print. Of the respondents, 17% of book-buyers had purchased an ebook in the past month. The full report should be coming out in a couple of weeks, so watch the research space on our website.
Whether you purchase your ebooks, borrow them from your local library, or share them with friends, Friday is your day to proudly declare your love for ebooks and swell the ranks of digital supporters. Join us on Twitter Friday using the hashtag #eBookLove to get into the discussion and show this under-appreciated format some affection.
*Facts from The State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2014
If you are just as into producing ebooks as reading them, you can catch a whole wack of panels and workshops at Tech Forum and ebookcraft 2016. Registration is open and we are also looking for speakers!