We came. We tweeted. We learned ALL THE THINGS.
Another Tech Forum and ebookcraft are behind us, and the hundreds of book industry professionals who attended came out like bandits (you know, the honourable, knowledge-sharing kind).
On March 10 and 11, we presented ebookcraft and our inaugural ebookcraft workshops with eBOUND Canada, and we’re happy to say it was a 50/50 event. It was two days of hands-on exercises, presentations, lively discussions, and muppets.
You can see the first installment of eBOUND’s conference takeaways here. (And congratulations to them for being declared official ebookcraft pub quiz champions!)
#ebookcraft is the only publishing-related conference I’ve been to that leaves me energised and not drained and pessimistic.
— Baldur Bjarnason (@fakebaldur) March 11, 2015
Some of the leading lights of #eprdctn offered me tips and feedback this week. #ebookcraft is a lovely conference. @ebookcraft
— Yellow Buick Review (@YBReview) March 13, 2015
You can find a great roundup of #eprdctn resources and links that were shared during ebookcraft here, compiled by amazing BNC Intern Madison Senner.
Photo by Yvonne BambrickAt Tech Forum on March 12, we heard about the “end of reading” (which actually turned out to be just the “beginning of reading”) from Kevin Ashton, discovered how sound can change a book’s life, and basically came together to reinvigorate the Canadian book industry with research, new strategies, and technology.
Love that we’re learning about podcasts at a publishing event. We are creative content producers! All mediums are avail. to us #techforum
— Livres Canada Books (@livresCAbooks) March 12, 2015
“Making the internet worse at making copies is like making water less wet” @doctorow #techforum
— Joshua Tallent (@jtallent) March 12, 2015
My sum up on #techforum & #ebookcraft: work together, build a community, share, use content/data to make your collection thrive. @De_Marque
— Caroline T. Lepage (@carolinetlepage) March 12, 2015
There were also, of course, the cookies.
COOKIES. #techforum #datanerds pic.twitter.com/D5OKqjf5jn
— BookNet Canada (@BookNet_Canada) March 12, 2015
If you missed something, or you forgot things in a sugar haze, you can relive the whole adventure through the power of links:
Storify tweet recaps:
SlideShare: Most presentation slides are up now; more being added this week
Delicious: ebooks and #eprdctn links roundup
Photos: Great shots from the whole week courtesy of Yvonne Bambrick
Videos from the presentations and workshops will be up soon, so keep an eye on our social media feeds and eNews to see them when they’re ready.
In the meantime, don’t forget to give us your feedback so we can make sure ebookcraft and Tech Forum are even better next year.
Thanks to all the presenters, organizers, sponsors, MaRS Discovery District staff, and all who attended! See you next March.