We have been busy with CataList lately. Yes, we’ve been signing up publishers and booksellers on the system and helping them get started. We’ve had several online demos. But what people don’t realize is that we’re also continuing to work on CataList itself. We’re adding new features to it all the time in response to user feedback. It’s the little things that make a difference with a product like this. We want to make sure it works for you.
I think we do a pretty good job with the details and features and we wanted to show you three of the ones that have been most useful so far.
Marketing and Promotional Plans
Just like your old print catalogues, CataList has a spot for marketing and publicity plans. You can list important promotional information, like tour cities, on the Title Detail page to let stores and media know if and when an author might be in town.
Building SalesData into CataList
To make ordering easier and to simulate a TIP sheet as closely as possible, we’ve included comparable titles to the Title Detail pages. But we didn’t stop there. In addition, SalesData subscribers will see a handy blue button under the comparable titles (see image above) that when clicked will open a window with the SalesData numbers (recent and lifetime) for each of these comparable titles.
Here is what pops up:
Age Range
This one is great for children’s books. Under the cover image is some key information about the book and this includes the age range of the intended audience.
There’s lots more to explore in CataList, if you haven’t already. As always, feel free to contact us at catalist@booknetcanada.ca with any questions, and for those of you who are not already building your fall 2011 catalogues online with us, we’d be happy to show you around CataList and give you a demo account.