Next Big Things:
- list errands/stuff you want people to do for you; users bid on your unwanted job and you hire them
- hooking up good ideas with micro-investors
- loans to people in third world countries
- car-pooling with strangers
- e-petitions: anyone can start petition about anything
- micro-reviews of resorts
- map of how has what across the country
Big challenges for online marketers:
- Fear of losing control of message or brand
- Fear of the mob/comments—moderate comments
- Fear of resources
- Fear of being smeared by bloggers
Response: you can do it with little resources and generate positive response. It’s about the ideas. Three kinds of blogs: personal, news and institutional…let your people write a blog for your company even if it’s not polished or completely on-message.
Challenges: copyright; things can be made public even if you don’t want it to; you can’t contain it; if you trick your customers, they will never believe you again
Dealing with blogging abuse problem: Tim O’Reilly says what about a blogger code of ethics with a public badge that can be displayed on site?; Amazon’s review of reviewers; Rating the commenters and allowing for filter of low rated comments (i.e. SlashDot)
Missed Opportunities: let customers meet the people that work at your company; employee cubicle videos; design prototypes; customer submissions (ads)