Request a token
Our BiblioShare Web Services provide book data in various forms for blog, retail, media, publisher/distributor, and other websites. If you would like to access data from our BiblioShare database, please fill out this form to receive a token.
Terms of Service
In order to use the BNC BiblioShare API (and/or the BiblioShare WordPress Plugin), you agree to:
Provide attribution, e.g., "Data provided by BNC BiblioShare" or use the "Powered by BiblioShare" icon.
Not request any method more than once a second. BookNet Canada tracks all requests made by developers.
Not use the API to harvest or index BNC BiblioShare data without our explicit written consent.
Not sublicense or redistribute BNC BiblioShare data to any third parties.
Not modify or change BNC BiblioShare data, including reviews, in any way. Content may be truncated for display purposes.
Not use the BNC BiblioShare data as part of a commercial product without our explicit written consent. If you would like to include BiblioShare data in a commercial product, please contact us.
Acknowledge that your developer account can be suspended for any infraction of these terms.
Acknowledge that these terms may be updated or amended at any time without prior notice, and that your continued use of the API constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.