
Confluence As a Web-Based Publishing System

In conferences and sessions we often discuss XML based publishing workflows…a concept I love, but I term I hate. Concept content that is single sourced, marked up and is used to drive a plethora of end uses (i.e. pbook, ebook, web content, app, etc…). Why do I hate it? It is scary, maybe not to everyone, but to enough people in the “content business” that the term itself can often kill any hope of implementation.

Here’s why we need solutions that take the scary out of XML publishing workflows.

One Book, One Twitter: Voting Starts Monday!

“What if everyone on Twitter read the same book at the same time and we formed one massive, international book club?”Jeff Howe in One Book, One Twitter … aka #1b1t

That’s the concept behind One Book, One Twitter (#1b1t ), and I think it’s pretty awesome.

One Book, One Twitter is the brainchild of Jeff Howe (@crowdsourcing ), and here’s how it works

Noah Genner 2009 in Review: Breathe

As many have already stated 2009 was a year full of change and innovation in the book authoring, publishing and retailing world. Digital was/is the agent of change…eBooks, eReaders (of all kinds), digital workflows and networks (be they social or internet)…for the industry in 2009. It really seemed that many digital areas that had been bubbling under for the last while came to a head in 2009…all at once.

Google Has Yet to Convince Me to Give Up My iPhone

For the most hyped device release this side of the mythical Apple Tablet, the birth of the Nexus One has left me uninspired. I tried to get hyped: before 9:00 am this morning, I’d already heard/read about the potential game-changing mobile device from three separate media outlets. Of course, two of those stories were delivered via my iPhone…which seems to undercut the Nexus One’s very raison d’etre.