Canadian Bookshelf, eh?

If you haven’t already visited, Canadian Bookshelf, I would highly recommend you take a little time to do so. The site itself looks great and there is a plethora of great (Canadian) content already there with more to come. I won’t go into all the features and functions of the site here as you can just go and try it out or read about it on their blog, but I will point out why we like this project in one word: collaboration.

Regional Differences

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: BookNet Canada can produce regional bestseller lists in BNC SalesData. Yep. We could tell you what the top 10 nonfiction books are in British Columbia and they may not match up to Ontario’s top 10.

We currently only produce bestseller lists for the Canadian market as a whole. But with this new capability, things get a little more interesting. What will we find?