From drag queens to Netflix to power tools, Canada's libraries offer patrons more than just books.
Measuring library zeitgeist in realtime
Loan Stars is One!
CataList: Saving time, money, and sanity!
When you vote for Loan Stars good things happen
Loan Stars: Get more ARCs by beefing up your NetGalley profile
Give your books the chance to become Loan Stars
Introducing Loan Stars!
How anyone can celebrate Banned Books Week
Finding Canadian books, award-winners, and more on CataList
CataList can help librarians quickly find and order Canadian print and digital books, keep on top of titles that are nominated for or win awards, and easily access free e-galleys for upcoming titles. Plus, a free CataList library account also lets you export MARC records from catalogues so that new books are even easier to add to your system. Get all the details on these CataList goodies below…