Nook + Kindle = Alex
Tim Middleton 2009 in a Fragmented Review: E-books Are *Vampires, P-Books Are *Zombies:
Liza Daly 2009 In Review: Moving From If to How
Mark Leslie Lefebvre 2009 in Review: Plus ça Change, Plus c'est la Même Chose
Sean Cranbury 2009 in Review: Recoil!
Mark Bertils 2009 in Review: Ebooks—20 Years To Become an Overnight Success
BIC Releases Recommendations for E-Book IDs
Nic Boshart 2009 in Review: Digital Publishing's GED
The Mobile Internet and Thou
Morgan Stanley has made available a massive research project that looks at the rise of the mobile internet, contextualizing the research with the thesis that:
I found it instructive to read through and contemplate these ideas from an ebook perspective especially with the recent kobo news. Below are the 8 themes that emerge from the research.