While the exact definition of a Barnes and Nobles Quamut remains unclear to my non-Millenial brain, I would venture that the term stands for what happens when you throw Home Depot, Wikipedia and a big chain bookstore into a blender and then hit ‘Combine’.
Learning to Love Stock Turns: Part One
The Fine Art of Selling
American Prices, Canadian Prices, and Don't Forget... E-Book Prices
Espresso Caffeinates U of A
The University of Alberta Bookstore became the first Canadian owner of one of five existing Espresso Book Machines last week. The Print on Demand book production machine will be used for course texts as well as small print runs for Alberta’s trade publishers.
When Supermarkets Go to War
Give Us Your Poor, Your Weak, Your Non-Copyrighted Material...
Users of the New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library now have their very own Expresso Book Machine, for use through August.