mary alice elcock

Tech Forum & ebookcraft speakers: Round three!

Tech Forum & ebookcraft speakers: Round three!

We have even more speaker and session information to announce. The session topics range from selling diverse lists to the evolution of ebook apps to building pre-pub buzz for forthcoming books; and the speakers are industry experts!

An Authors for Indies Itinerary: Vancouver

This Saturday, May 2 is Authors for Indies Day. At indie bookstores across Canada, authors will be volunteering as guest booksellers, and that’s just the beginning of the bookish fun in store.

To help get you ready, we’ve got suggested itineraries and highlights for six major cities, written by local booklovers just for you. This one’s from BitLit’s Mary Alice Elcock.

Are Canadians still reading?

At this year’s Tech Forum, Kevin Ashton presented on new technology and “How to Survive the Ebookalypse.” He began by saying, “We live in an age of paranoia about reading and publishing, but that’s actually not a new thing.” Undeniably, the industry is in state of transition and print sales are down. But much like the invention of the paperback format, technology will not destroy reading. Instead, Ashton argues, “Technology is feeding literacy and literacy is causing a need for new technology.”